Are you unhappy with your current health and body size shape or the relationship you have between you food and your body. What you eat or drink, the way you feel, and your motivation towards a healthy balanced lifestyle.
Do you want to become confident in your body and develop a healthy mindset towards your physical body, towards food and towards your health. Would you like to build more self love and appreciation of your physical body, self acceptance and motivation to be aligned in a healthy way for you
Click Do you wish you were one of those people who is motivated to get up and exercie and always find time for exercise in the day, to attend exercise classes but lack the confidence to attend the gym and lack confidence or are flagging with staying motivated exercising from home. Would you like to clear the resistance and make this an effortless flow of motivation that feels good.
Have you tried diet after diet after diet and nothing has given you the maintain able solution that you want. Things work ok when you are paying attention to it for a short time but then you slip into past habbits and your efforts seem to disappear and on some level you had accepted that that was your natural flaw. Clearing and Personal Empowerment intensive sessions are designed to clear these conflicts and bring you into a new central alignment within your mind and body.
To change the relationship you have with your body, your motivation and begin a new clearer more positive flow of your attention and energy within these areas. In Clearing sessions you release the negative emotions you may not even be consciously aware of that are creating resistance and create unhelpful patterns of thought, and behavior. would you like to end the overeating guilt trap.
Examples include, emotional eating, The biscuit tin calling so the diet starts tomorrow.
Build your self love and determination within so you form new habits, new choices and a whole new outlook on you, yourself, your body and how you live your life. Develop new loves for food, exercise and new flow of life within your health. Be constantly motivated to exercise daily, celebrate results and consistently make healthy food choices. Hypnotherapy enable your to build strong new positive connections and choices
We all have an innate knowledge of what brings us health so emotional clearing and the releasing of limiting beliefs and decisions made in the past enable you to fully hear those whispers and they become your overarching guidance.
I cannot thank you enough .... I have regained my spacious mind
Personal Empowerment Intensive day to clear the symptoms and underlying cause of PTSD
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